We saw so many old cemeteries as we drove along every day. We never really had a chance to stop and both Robin and I really wanted too. This one had a spot nearby where we could park and so we braved the rain and took a look around. {There usually wasn't anywhere safe to park}
Such a beautiful spot, but so many tiny graves.
Further along we came to this bridge - I think suspension. Bob did bridge design early in his career so we always stop to look at pretty bridges. This one was spectacular.
We arrived at Acadia Park to find out it was National Park Day or something and so we got in free. Nice timing! We ate lunch first, at Jordan Pond. Good, but so foggy we couldn't see the pond until we were done eating. Then, we basically did the loop road and got out at the various places along the way. You really could spend days here, but we did the best we could with our little bit of time.
One stop was Sand Beach.

Just lovely, and so unspoiled - even with tourists.

This is Thunder Hole, and if you are there at the right time, the waves will rush in and sound like thunder. We weren't there at the right time:-( But so beautilful:-)

Many stone bridges along the way. {We like bridges:-)}
And finally our dinner destination in Bar Harbor. Just a short walk from our hotel, and very good. Last night of lobster for them, and something else for me. {Galyn's is our restaurant}
Bob and I got up on Sunday and had a lovely breakfast with Robin and Jim at the hotel. The fire was blazing in the hotel lobby and we were headed home to temps in the high 90's! We had a long drive in the rain from Bar Harbor to Boston, but it was uneventful. Our flight was delayed, of course, but we did make it back home by midnight. Poor Bob was up at 5 to fly out for work and was gone all week. I have been able to get the house in shape, a little, to get ready to go again! This time to the cabin for a few weeks. We will have lots of company up north and it should be a lot of fun. No internet at the cabin, but I hope to get connected at least once or twice to visit some of my favorite blogs.
See you when I get back.