After totally decorating the cabin with bears, and getting the grandchildren totally into the idea that grandma and grandpa's cabin was the bear's cabin, we wanted to see real bears!!
Last year we spotted a mother and 2 cubs on the way to dinner at the golf course, and we saw another at the other end of the lake, getting a drink. But no photo proof, until now.
On our drive up this year, we were near the cabin when Bob saw something ahead in the road. We pulled over, and luckily my camera was nearby, because I finally got my shot.
A real live BEAR.
After that big news, we are on to our fun on the lake. Cooper was doing a little fishing.
Tom took the kids out on the float we bought to pull behind the boat.
Laura decided that they were getting pretty far out, so she and Bob took the pedal {or paddle?} boat out to be near them.
The biggest surprise for me was this! I never thought the kids would get in the lake. My girls and I are not exactly "lake" people. I know we have a cabin and everything, but I prefer roughing it with AC and a dishwasher and screened porch - and looking at the lake from a nice boat. But the grandchildren loved it. Elizabeth went in first, and after this we had a hard time getting her out!
Cooper was next and he loved it too.
Ben just thought he'd fish for awhile, but he did get it too. I just don't have the picture to prove it. He definitely liked it the least though.

Getting ready to get pulled. We can't go fast on our lake - it is small and it is a no wake lake. But we can pull a raft and it was just right for our little ones.

The boys also got a turn, but no pics. They all got pretty brave too and were standing and falling off and just generally having fun.
I've got just a few more pictures to post tomorrow. Off to get ready for my overnight guests. Ben and Elizabeth are coming for pizza and an overnight with grandma and grandpa. We will have "movie night" with popcorn too. Fun times!!